Marknadsföra Locations
Welcome to Locamundo
The purpose of this page is to give you a clear understanding of Locamundo's pricing. Our unique pricing is based on the principle of Purchase Power Parity (PPP), which means our prices are adjusted according to different markets' purchasing power to make the service fair and accessible for everyone. You can read more about this pricing model by clicking on this link.
At Locamundo, we are proud to have helped location scouts, individuals, and businesses promote their unique spaces and locations to the film and production industry for over two decades. Through our experience and dedication, we offer a platform where your locations are not only presented – they get the attention and value they deserve.
You want to showcase a location. Perfect for individuals or companies with one location to promote.
Per month: 39 kr
Per year: 390 kr
Show up to 100 locations and 10 albums. A great entry-level account for those just starting out.
Per month: 79 kr
Per year: 790 kr
Covers most location scouts' needs.
Per month: 199 kr
Per year: 1990 kr
On its own level. All features included. Our flagship product!
Per month: 490 kr
Per year: 4900 kr
VAT is not included and will be charged where applicable.